السلام عليكم

.. هذا الدرس هو عبارة عن تصحيح لبعض الأخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية التي نقع فيها (خصوصا عند الكتابة)
.. و قد نقل إليكم للاستفادة ...

Dear Friends, this lesson is about correction for some the common mistakes people usually make during writting or maybe speaking .. and this lesson was put for you to benifit from it ....

A - afraid of not afraid from

Don’t say: the girl is afraid from the dog.
Say: the girl is afraid of the dog

B- arrive at not arrive to

Don’t say: we arrived to the village at night
Say: we arrived at the village at night

C- ashamed of not ashamed from

Don’t say: He is now ashamed from his look
Say: He is now ashamed of his look

D- consist of not consist from

Don’t say: a year consist from 12 months
Say: a year consist of 12 months

E- covered with not covered by

Don’t say: the mountains are covered by snow
Say: the mountains are covered with snow

F- cure of not cure from

Don’t say: the man was cured from his illness
Say: the man was cured of his illness

G- Confidence in nor Confidence on neither Confidence to

Don’t say: I have great confidence on/to him
Say: I have great confidence in him

H- Get rid of not Get rid from

Don’t say: I shall be glad to get rid from him
Say: I shall be glad to get rid of him

I- good at not good in

Don’t say : my brother is good in mathematics
Say: my brother is good at mathematics

Also we say: bad at, clever at, weak at, quick at, slow at, ..etc

J- look at not look to

Don’t say: look to this beautiful picture
Say: look at this beautiful picture

K- jealous of not jealous from

Don’t say: he is very jealous from his brother
Say: he is very jealous of his brother

L- take by not take from

Don’t say: he took his brother from the hand
Say: he took his brother by the hand

M- write in ink not write with ink

Don’t say: I have written the letter with ink
Say: I have written the letter in ink