بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه تعليمية للفيجوال بيسك روعة للشركة المعروفة VTC

VTC VB 6 Advanced

الدروس المرفقة بهذه الأسطوانة:

01 Multiple Form Projects
0101 Single vs. Multiple forms
0102 Start-up Object
0103 Unload vs. Hide
0104 About form template
0105 Removing forms
02 Code for multiple forms
0201 Writing code for multiple forms
0202 Common errors
0203 .BAS module & Sub Main
03 The List Box and Combo Box controls
0301 Which to use: List box or Combo box?
0302 Entering items into the list
0303 ListIndex, ListCount and Sorted properties
0304 Code to alter the list; Change, LostFocus events
0305 ReItem, Clear methods
0306 AddItem; Preventing user erros
04 Looping
0401 Do - Loops (pre-test vs. post-test)
0402 For - Next Loops
0403 Nexted Loops
0404 Avoiding problems with loops
05 Control Arrays
0501 Creating an array of command buttons
0502 The Index Property
0503 Problems with control arrays
0504 Another control array demo
0505 Using loops with control arrays
0506 The Case structure & control arrays
06 Printing output
0601 PrintForm vs. Printer.Print method
0602 Print zones, TAB, SPC functions
0603 Changing font properties while printing
0604 Printing within a loop (List/Combo box lists)
0605 Using CurrentX and CurrentY methods to print
07 Data**** Access
0701 Data**** Overview
0702 Data Control Properties
0703 Creating navigational buttons
0704 Adding/Deleting records
0705 Searching the data****
08 Miscellaneous Items
0801 Common Dialog Control
0802 OLE (Object Linking Embedding)
0803 Mouse Events
0804 Mouse Pointer shape
0805 Automatic DragDrop
09 Sequential Files
0901 Demo of Sequential File Program
0902 Form Load Event (retrieving the data file)
0903 Writing data to the file (saving)
0904 Add, Re, Clearing items
0905 Form Unload Event
10 Random Files
1001 Overview, .BAS module for Random File
1002 Opening & accessing the file
1003 Calling procedures
1004 Add records procedure
1005 Delete records procedure
1006 Update/Browse procedure; Conclusion of Demo
11 Compiling and Distributing the application
1101 Project Options Properties
1102 Compiling options; Executable files
1103 The Package & Deployment Wizard
1104 The Deployment steps
1105 The Uninstall option

التحميل :
