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Samurai II Vengeance-VACE

هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها . أضغظ على الشريط الاصفر لعرضها بالكامل. The original image is sized 1024x500.

Release name:Samurai_II_Vengeance-VACE
Genre: Adventure
Size: 25.9 MB

Samurai II sends Daisuke on a quest for revenge across the war-scorched countryside. From a seafaring village to a flying fortress to the legendary Isle of the Dead, the samurai will stop at nothing to hunt down his arch-enemy Orochi. Will he get his Vengeance?

Requires Windows XP/Vista/7/Mac OS X 10.6 or later
1.5 GHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent AMD Athlon processor
512 MB RAM
DirectX 9, SM 2.0
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

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