النتائج 1 إلى 8 من 8

الموضوع: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

العرض المتطور

المشاركة السابقة المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية المشاركة التالية
  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    السلام عليكم

    هذا نموذج الاسئله وليس الحل لها
    اتمنى اني ما اكون مخالف للموضووع

    طرحتها هنا لان الكثيير يسال عنها

    اي سوال بخصوص ال rhce انا حا1ر وبالخدمه

    بسم الله نبدأ

    مده الاختبار ساعتين ونصف ولاجتيازه يتوجب عليك مراجعه الكتابيين SA1 SA2

            Questions 1    |   CREATE LVM            Create the "LVM" with the name "source" by using 26PE's from the volume group "open". Consider the PE size as "8MB". Mount it on /mnt/secret with filesystem vfat. 
    Create a group named "sysadmin" A user sarah and natasha should belongs to "manager" group as a secondary group . A user harry should not have access to interactive shell and he should not be a member of "manager" group. passwd for all user created should be "password".
    Create the Directory "/home/manager" with the following characteristics. Group ownership of "/home/manager" should go to "manager" group. The directory should be have full permission for all members off "manager" group but not to any other users accept "root". Files created under "/home/manager" should get the same group ownership is set to the "manager" group.
    Questions 4 | UPDATE THE KERNEL:
    Install the appropriate Kernel from ftp://instructor.example.com/ftp/updates. Your machine should boot with updated kernel.
    Questions 5 | CRON JOB:
    The user sarah must configure a cron job that runs today at 14:23 today. and executes "/bin/echo "hyer" and deny the user max for creating cronjob .
    Questions 6 | RESIZE LVM:
    Resize the lvm "/dev/vgsrv/home" (/dev/myvol/vo) so that after reboot size should be in between 90MB to 120MB..
    Note the following. BASE DN: dc=example,dc=com ldap path ldap://instructor.example.com/ Download the certificate from "ftp://instructor.example.com/pub/EXAMPLE-CA-CERT"Ldap user should login into your system . Where "X" is your system no.
    Questions 8 | "NTP" CLIENT:
    Configure your system as "NTP" client for "instructor.example.com".
    Note the following. instructor.example.com( "Nfs exports" /home/guests to your system where "x" is your station ip. Ldapuser's home directory is instructor.example.com:/home/guests/ldapuserx. Ldapuser's home directory should be automounted locally beneath at /home/guests/ldapuserx. While login with any of the ldapuser then only home directory should accesible from your system that ldapuserx.
    Questions 10 | ACCESS CONTROL LIST:
    Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp and configure the "ACL" as mention following. The file /var/tmp/fstab is owned by the "root". The file /var/tmp/fstab belongs to the group "root" The file /var/tmp/fstab should not be executable by other's. The user "sarah" should able to read and write to the file. The user "natasha" can neither read nor write to the file. other users (future and current) shuold be able to read /var/tmp/fstab. Create a directory /data ,set default group as ftp so that when content will be created under this dir group ftp will be inherited.
    Questions 11 | CONFIGURE FTP SERVER:
    Configure FTP access from your system. Clients within the remote.test should not have anonomyous FTP access to your system.
    Questions 12 | CONFIGURE "web server":
    Configure your system as "web server" for the site https://serverX.example.com . Download the web page from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/station.html Rename the the downloaded page as "index.html" Copy the "index.html" page to the "document root" Do not make any modifications to the content of index.html.
    Questions 13 | ADD USERS:
    Create the user "dax" with uid 4223.
    Questions 14 | EXTEND SWAP SPACE:
    Extend the SWAP space with "250" MB dont remove the existing swap.
    Questions 15 | LOCATE THE FILES:
    locate the files of owner "dax" and copy to the directory /root/found directory
    Questions 16 | SEARCH FOR WORD:
    List all lines which have string "full" from "/usr/share/dict/words" file and copy the lines in /root/word.found.


    مده الاختبار ساعه ونصف فقط او ساعتينن ببعض الدول الغير ناطقه بالانجليزيه
    ولاجتياز الاختبار تحتاج لمراجعه SA3
             Questions 1    |   selinux:            Set the "selinux" in enfrocing mode. 
    Questions 2 |
    Enable the ip forwarding and disable ping request comming to your system
    Questions 3 | Configure the "ssh" :
    natasha should have remote "SSH" access to your machine within example.com. clients within remote.test should not "SSH" your system.
    Questions 4 | Configure FTP access:
    Clients within the example.com domain should have annonomyous Download acess. Clients outside example.com doamin should not have any access to ftp service.
    Questions 5 | Configure SAMBA SHARE:
    Share the directory "/common" via samba. Your Samba server must be a member of "SAMBAGRP" workgroup. The share name must be "common" The shared must be available to example.com clients only. The user "natasha" should have read access to the share with samba password "redhat"
    Questions 6 | Configure "web server":
    Configure your system as "web server" for the site https://serverX.example.com . Download the web page from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/station.html Rename the the downloaded page as "index.html" Copy the "index.html" page to the "document root" Do not make any modifications to the content of index.html..
    Questions 7 | Configure name virtual hosting server:
    Configure the name virtual hosting server for the site https://wwwX.example.com. Download the page "www.html" from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates under DocumenRoot "/var/www/virtual".
    Questions 8 | Configure "web server":
    Create the directory "secret" for the DocumentRoot of your webserver. Download the page "host.html" from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates.It should be accessable to localhost and not to any other host.
    Questions 9 | NFS Server:
    Export your "/common" (created Default) directory via NFS to the example.com domain. Note: you dont have permssion to mount. you can check nfsclient using /net/(ipaddress).
    Questions 10 | Configure MTA:
    Configure your "MTA" mail service according to the following requirements. Your mail server should accept the mail from remote hosts as well as localhost.
    Questions 11 | CONFIGURE Aliases:
    admin alias mail should be received by "harry".
    Questions 12 | CONFIGURE "Iscsi":
    Access the remote storage from "instructor.example.com" and create the partiton "30 MiB" and mount it on "/mnt/storage". Download ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/file.txt to iscsi disk and put permission as 755.
    Questions 13 | Script:
    Write the script for . If you won't pass any argument it will print "Err all|none " . If you pass "all" as an argument it will print "none". If "none" will be passed as an argument it will print "all" If any thing else will be entered nothing will be printed.
    Questions 14 | Mount ISO:
    Copy the iso "boot.iso" from instructor.example.com/updates and it shoud be automatically mounted on /iso directory at booting time. OR Use .
    Questions 15 | Set kernel parameter:
    Enabel kernel parameter kernstack by setting its value to 1. and is should reflect to /proc/cmdline after reboot.

    كلا الاختبارين كما تلاحظون سهله جدا وتافهه فقط بال rhce هناك مشكله تداهمك بالوقت خاصه لو واجهت مشاكل

    اتمنى التوفيق للكل بالاختبار وادعو لي اختباري قريب ان شااء الله

    دعاء يظهر الغيب هو كل ما ارتجيه منكم فلا تبخلو علي بذالك

    كما انا مستعد لاي مناقشه تتعلق بالاختبار او الكورس نفسه ان استطعت ووجدت الوقت الكافي لرد ولو ي بسيط من دين عرب هاردوير على
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة hacker_pro ; 15-01-2012 الساعة 11:07

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    الدولة: Egypt
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hacker_pro مشاهدة المشاركة
    السلام عليكم

    هذا نموذج الاسئله وليس الحل لها
    اتمنى اني ما اكون مخالف للموضووع

    طرحتها هنا لان الكثيير يسال عنها

    اي سوال بخصوص ال rhce انا حا1ر وبالخدمه

    بسم الله نبدأ

    مده الاختبار ساعتين ونصف ولاجتيازه يتوجب عليك مراجعه الكتابيين SA1 SA2

            Questions 1    |   CREATE LVM            Create the "LVM" with the name "source" by using 26PE's from the volume group "open". Consider the PE size as "8MB". Mount it on /mnt/secret with filesystem vfat. 
    Create a group named "sysadmin" A user sarah and natasha should belongs to "manager" group as a secondary group . A user harry should not have access to interactive shell and he should not be a member of "manager" group. passwd for all user created should be "password".
    Create the Directory "/home/manager" with the following characteristics. Group ownership of "/home/manager" should go to "manager" group. The directory should be have full permission for all members off "manager" group but not to any other users accept "root". Files created under "/home/manager" should get the same group ownership is set to the "manager" group.
    Questions 4 | UPDATE THE KERNEL:
    Install the appropriate Kernel from ftp://instructor.example.com/ftp/updates. Your machine should boot with updated kernel.
    Questions 5 | CRON JOB:
    The user sarah must configure a cron job that runs today at 14:23 today. and executes "/bin/echo "hyer" and deny the user max for creating cronjob .
    Questions 6 | RESIZE LVM:
    Resize the lvm "/dev/vgsrv/home" (/dev/myvol/vo) so that after reboot size should be in between 90MB to 120MB..
    Note the following. BASE DN: dc=example,dc=com ldap path ldap://instructor.example.com/ Download the certificate from "ftp://instructor.example.com/pub/EXAMPLE-CA-CERT"Ldap user should login into your system . Where "X" is your system no.
    Questions 8 | "NTP" CLIENT:
    Configure your system as "NTP" client for "instructor.example.com".
    Note the following. instructor.example.com( "Nfs exports" /home/guests to your system where "x" is your station ip. Ldapuser's home directory is instructor.example.com:/home/guests/ldapuserx. Ldapuser's home directory should be automounted locally beneath at /home/guests/ldapuserx. While login with any of the ldapuser then only home directory should accesible from your system that ldapuserx.
    Questions 10 | ACCESS CONTROL LIST:
    Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp and configure the "ACL" as mention following. The file /var/tmp/fstab is owned by the "root". The file /var/tmp/fstab belongs to the group "root" The file /var/tmp/fstab should not be executable by other's. The user "sarah" should able to read and write to the file. The user "natasha" can neither read nor write to the file. other users (future and current) shuold be able to read /var/tmp/fstab. Create a directory /data ,set default group as ftp so that when content will be created under this dir group ftp will be inherited.
    Questions 11 | CONFIGURE FTP SERVER:
    Configure FTP access from your system. Clients within the remote.test should not have anonomyous FTP access to your system.
    Questions 12 | CONFIGURE "web server":
    Configure your system as "web server" for the site https://serverX.example.com . Download the web page from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/station.html Rename the the downloaded page as "index.html" Copy the "index.html" page to the "document root" Do not make any modifications to the content of index.html.
    Questions 13 | ADD USERS:
    Create the user "dax" with uid 4223.
    Questions 14 | EXTEND SWAP SPACE:
    Extend the SWAP space with "250" MB dont remove the existing swap.
    Questions 15 | LOCATE THE FILES:
    locate the files of owner "dax" and copy to the directory /root/found directory
    Questions 16 | SEARCH FOR WORD:
    List all lines which have string "full" from "/usr/share/dict/words" file and copy the lines in /root/word.found.


    مده الاختبار ساعه ونصف فقط او ساعتينن ببعض الدول الغير ناطقه بالانجليزيه
    ولاجتياز الاختبار تحتاج لمراجعه SA3
             Questions 1    |   selinux:            Set the "selinux" in enfrocing mode. 
    Questions 2 |
    Enable the ip forwarding and disable ping request comming to your system
    Questions 3 | Configure the "ssh" :
    natasha should have remote "SSH" access to your machine within example.com. clients within remote.test should not "SSH" your system.
    Questions 4 | Configure FTP access:
    Clients within the example.com domain should have annonomyous Download acess. Clients outside example.com doamin should not have any access to ftp service.
    Questions 5 | Configure SAMBA SHARE:
    Share the directory "/common" via samba. Your Samba server must be a member of "SAMBAGRP" workgroup. The share name must be "common" The shared must be available to example.com clients only. The user "natasha" should have read access to the share with samba password "redhat"
    Questions 6 | Configure "web server":
    Configure your system as "web server" for the site https://serverX.example.com . Download the web page from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/station.html Rename the the downloaded page as "index.html" Copy the "index.html" page to the "document root" Do not make any modifications to the content of index.html..
    Questions 7 | Configure name virtual hosting server:
    Configure the name virtual hosting server for the site https://wwwX.example.com. Download the page "www.html" from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates under DocumenRoot "/var/www/virtual".
    Questions 8 | Configure "web server":
    Create the directory "secret" for the DocumentRoot of your webserver. Download the page "host.html" from ftp://instructor.example.com/updates.It should be accessable to localhost and not to any other host.
    Questions 9 | NFS Server:
    Export your "/common" (created Default) directory via NFS to the example.com domain. Note: you dont have permssion to mount. you can check nfsclient using /net/(ipaddress).
    Questions 10 | Configure MTA:
    Configure your "MTA" mail service according to the following requirements. Your mail server should accept the mail from remote hosts as well as localhost.
    Questions 11 | CONFIGURE Aliases:
    admin alias mail should be received by "harry".
    Questions 12 | CONFIGURE "Iscsi":
    Access the remote storage from "instructor.example.com" and create the partiton "30 MiB" and mount it on "/mnt/storage". Download ftp://instructor.example.com/updates/file.txt to iscsi disk and put permission as 755.
    Questions 13 | Script:
    Write the script for . If you won't pass any argument it will print "Err all|none " . If you pass "all" as an argument it will print "none". If "none" will be passed as an argument it will print "all" If any thing else will be entered nothing will be printed.
    Questions 14 | Mount ISO:
    Copy the iso "boot.iso" from instructor.example.com/updates and it shoud be automatically mounted on /iso directory at booting time. OR Use .
    Questions 15 | Set kernel parameter:
    Enabel kernel parameter kernstack by setting its value to 1. and is should reflect to /proc/cmdline after reboot.

    كلا الاختبارين كما تلاحظون سهله جدا وتافهه فقط بال rhce هناك مشكله تداهمك بالوقت خاصه لو واجهت مشاكل

    اتمنى التوفيق للكل بالاختبار وادعو لي اختباري قريب ان شااء الله

    دعاء يظهر الغيب هو كل ما ارتجيه منكم فلا تبخلو علي بذالك

    كما انا مستعد لاي مناقشه تتعلق بالاختبار او الكورس نفسه ان استطعت ووجدت الوقت الكافي لرد ولو ي بسيط من دين عرب هاردوير على

    شكرا وربنا يبارك فيك

  3. #3
    عضوية جديدة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    اذا مافي مشكلة عند الاخوة الذين قامو بوضع نماذج الامتحانات ان يقوموا بحذفها ..

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    اليوم امتحنت

    ادعووولي فعلا الوقت جدا جدا ضيق ولا مجال لاي خطا
    مع الربشه وضيق الوقت نسيت كم خطوه الله يستر لا ينشطب السوال كله

    منتظر ايميل من ريدهات خلال 3 ايام عمل يعني الله يعين
    ذاكرت بالاختبار عبر كتب ريدهات الرسميه sa1-2-3 بدون اي مراجع اخرى والاختبار بكل حرف اتى منهم
    الاختبار سهل جدا بس ماااافي وقت ابد

    قبل الاختبار تقبل اتفاقيه السريه للاسئله ولا كنت طرحتها لكم حق اليوم بس هي مخرجت على اللي انا حاطها بس تتغير بيها اشساء بسيطه

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2008
    الدولة: Egypt
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    ان شاء الله نبارك لك قريبا علي النجاح هنا

    تمنياتي بالتوفيق

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    شكرا يالغالي على التشيع والدعااء

  7. #7
    عضوية جديدة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    شكرا على المجهود الاكثر الرائع. لكن من فين حصلت على الاسئلة ؟

    وممكن نعرف التحديثات على الاختبار ؟ باعتبارك دخلت الاختبار ..

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: نموذح اسئله اختبار رد هات RHCSA&RHCSE نموذج فقط بدون اجوبه

    الاسئله اعطاني اياها مدرس لينكس عملي اختبار وهمي قبل الاختبار الحقيقي باسبوعين

    التحديثات ﻻ يوجد تحديثات فقط الامور سهلت عن 5 اللى معه الاصدار 5 راح يخش الاصدار 6 حتى من غير تحضيرر

المواضيع المتشابهه

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  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
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