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الموضوع: خبر مؤسف لكل أصحاب كروت HD 2000 ,3000,4000

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  1. #1
    عضو ذهبي الصورة الرمزية MrTom
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
    الدولة: Egypt
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    خبر مؤسف لكل أصحاب كروت HD 2000 ,3000,4000

    أن شركة Amd سوف توقف دعمها لكروت HD 2000 ,3000,4000

    و تصرح الشركة بان الدعم القادم سوف يكون لكروت الجيل الجديد أبتداء من HD5000 الى HD7000

    أما كروت HD2000,HD3000,HD4000 سيتم دعمها بتعريف كل ثلاثة أشهر وسيكون التعريف بشكل رئيسي لحل المشاكل مع الألعاب وذلك لأن هذه الكروت وصلت لأقصي أداء ممكن لها

    وتقول الشركة أن التعريفات القادمة سوف تتيح التعريف على الكروت السابقة (HD 2000 ,3000,4000 )و لكن بدون دعم للميزات الجديدة و لكن لسوء الحظ أن هذا لا ينطبق على WINDOWS 8 وذلك لأن التعريفات القادمة ستدعم
    ما لا تدعمه الكروت السالف ذكرها

    ماهي خصائص WDDM 1.2 driver level features
    Full WDDM 1.2
    Native Stereo 3D support: Windows 8 will natively support Stereo 3D for full-screen and windowed gaming and video applications

    Unified Video API – Video playback is now integrated within the DirectX® 11 API; enabling simultaneous high quality Video and 3D content, and the potential for enhanced video transcoding performance

    Optimized screen rotation
    improved sleep / resume performance
    Optimized Power Consumption
    حيث أنهم لن يحصلون على تحديثات فى المستقبل على ويندوز 8 لان ويندوز 8 تعريفة يحتوى على WDDM 1.2 و الداعم لكروت HD 5000 ,6000,7000 أما كروت HD 2000 ,3000,4000
    فهى داعمة لتعريف الذى يحتوى على WDDM 1.1

    و تقول الشركة أنها سوف تكون التحديثات القادمة لكروت HD 5000 ,6000,7000

    و تصرح الشركة أنها سوف تركز على تطوير التعريفات للحصول على أفضل أداء لكروت HD 5000 ,6000,7000

    الخبر بالانجليزية
    Last week news hit the wire that AMD would cut support for its older Radeon HD graphics cards but it turns out support will not be discontinued entirely. AMD send out a clarification to the press about the future of its Radeon HD 2000, 3000, and 4000 series graphics cards, while new cards will continue to receive monthly updates, the older cards will be put on a quarterly driver release schedule.
    Unfortunately, this does not apply to Windows 8. Radeon HD 2000/3000/4000 owners will be limited to the AMD graphics driver that ships with Windows 8 and will receive no further updates.
    AMD will be moving the AMD Radeon™ HD 2000, AMD Radeon HD 3000, and AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series of products to a new driver support model. We will continue to support the mentioned products in our Catalyst releases, but we’re moving their updates to a quarterly basis, whereas our AMD Radeon HD 5000 and later products will continue to see monthly updates. The Quarterly Catalyst releases will focus on resolving application specific issues and critical updates. The reason for the shift in support policy is largely due to the fact that the AMD Radeon HD 2000, AMD Radeon HD 3000, and AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series have been optimized to their maximum potential from a performance and feature perspective. The 8.97 based driver, released in May 2012 will be the first driver for the AMD Radeon HD 2000, AMD Radeon HD 3000, and AMD Radeon HD 4000 Series under the new support model; it is an extremely stable and robust driver branch for these products and will be the baseline for our quarterly updates.
    Our main development and testing efforts will now be focused on the AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 and later products. This is the best use of our resources, as the AMD Radeon HD 5000, AMD Radeon HD 6000, AMD Radeon HD 7000, and future products have the greatest potential for further performance and feature enhancements.
    Also with regards to Windows 8 support for the AMD Radeon™ HD 2000, 3000, 4000 Series of products; the In-the-box AMD Graphics driver that ships with Windows 8 will include support for the AMD Radeon HD 2000, 3000, and 4000 Series, and it will support the WDDM 1.1 driver level features. The AMD Catalyst driver for Windows 8 will only include support for WDDM 1.2 support products (AMD Radeon HD 5000 and later).



    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Ahmed Abdelwahab ; 25-04-2012 الساعة 13:05


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