الحقيقة الكثيرون كذبوا الخبر ولكنني أعرف أن الشخص المذكور معروف في المنتدى ولكن كما يقولون You never know...
إن كانت هذه البطاقة حقيقية فـ !!!!! WOW شركة ATI ستضع نهاية لnVidia ... وهو شيء مؤسف... ولكنني شهصيا لا أستبعد أن تتطور البطاقات بهذه السرعة حيث أن ATI تقدمت بشكل كبير في السنوات الأخيرة وأنفقت الكثير على فريق تطويرها الخاص...
أكرر قد يكون هذا الخبر كذبة كغيرها ولكن!!!!! لا بأس ببعض لبتطبع إلى المستقبل..

Hey guys,

OMG! I had the most AWESOME morning today.
My buddy who works for ___ was in town, and paid me a visit, and I got to play a little bit with a new Radeon card!!!

Before anyone asks, I (for OBVIOUS reasons) can't tell who the guy is, because he'd probably get fired, then fly back to Tokyo to KILL me.

Anyway, he was pretty much breathing down my neck the whole time, but he left me alone with the card for about 10 minutes while he took a phone call - so, I used the time wisely and ran 3DMark while he was outside ...



I'm told the clock speeds aren't final, so it may end up being even more powerful than this ... !! Also, I didn't really have a chance to take any pics of the card, but it looked much like the 9800 - red PCB and a power connector, the 4-prong type. The fan was the same old black, cheap looking hs/fan, and there were black heatsinks on the memory (front and back). I didn't notice any major rise in my system temps when I was finished with it, but then again I only had it in my rig for about 45 minutes. So, it didn't seem like it ran especially hot, although it may not have been running long/hard enough to generate significant heat. I just ran 3DMark, and played a little DC .3 ...

Anyway, just thought I'd share. From what I saw, this thing KICKED A$$!! He couldn't tell me when I'd be able to buy one, in fact he didn't even know (or at least, he didn't tell me!) what the name would be, 3DMark said X1 Pro but my friend said that that's just because of the drivers he installed. In any case, I'm really excited about this thing, hopefully it'll be available before the end of the year!!! If this isn't even a *final* version, I can't wait to see what it'll be like once it's all tweaked and perfected!!!
