Implement bulletproof Cisco security the battle-tested Hacking Exposed way

Defend against the sneakiest attacks by looking at your Cisco network and devices through the eyes of the intruder. Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks shows you, step-by-step, how hackers target exposed systems, gain access, and pilfer compromised networks. All device-specific and network-centered security issues are covered alongside real-world examples, in-depth case studies, and detailed countermeasures. It’s all here--from switch, router, firewall, wireless, and VPN vulnerabilities to Layer 2 man-in-the-middle, VLAN jumping, BGP, DoS, and DDoS attacks. You’ll prevent tomorrow’s catastrophe by learning how new flaws in Cisco-centered networks are discovered and abused by cyber-criminals. Plus, you’ll get undocumented Cisco commands, security evaluation templates, and vital security tools from

->Use the tried-and-true Hacking Exposed methodology to find, exploit, and plug security holes in Cisco devices and networks

->Locate vulnerable Cisco networks using Google and BGP queries, wardialing, fuzzing, host fingerprinting, and portscanning

->Abuse Cisco failover protocols, punch holes in firewalls, and break into VPN tunnels

->Use blackbox testing to uncover data input validation errors, hidden backdoors, HTTP, and SNMP vulnerabilities

->Gain network access using password and SNMP community guessing, Telnet session hijacking, and searching for open TFTP servers

->Find out how IOS exploits are written and if a Cisco router can be used as an attack platform

->Block determined DoS and DDoS attacks using Cisco proprietary safeguards, CAR, and NBAR

->Prevent secret keys cracking, sneaky data link attacks, routing protocol exploits, and malicious physical access
