السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذه اسئلة في مادة Computer Network ارجو مساعدتي في حلها

Q1/ Use the following information to answer the questions.


· Create two VLAN – Finance and Sales

· Use 2 hosts per VLAN

a- Write CISCO IOS commands to set up a Virtual LAN on router.

b- Write CISCO IOS commands to set up a Virtual LAN on switch.

Q2/ Describe operation of the following technology. Use diagram in your explanation.

a- Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA).

b- Collision Detection (CD).

Q3/ Compare the operation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) with User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Q4/ Using the flowchart, explain the operation of Access Control List (ACL).

ارجو منكم المساعدة وعدم التطنيش. مع جزيل الشكر