النتائج 1 إلى 7 من 7

الموضوع: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

  1. #1
    عضو الصورة الرمزية ISLAMIC.TR
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    الدولة: Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد ...

    إخوانى الكرام اقدم اليكم هذه الدورة الرائعة حقا ... والتى استفدت منها كثيرا
    فى تدريبى على كيفية نطق الإنجليزية بطلاقة .. وكسر الحاجز بينك وبين الناس
    عندما تتحدث معهم .. طبعا الكل يريد التحدث بسهولة ويسر مع الآخرين حتى يفهم
    المحادثات الجارية حوله فى العمل والمحلات وغيرها من الأماكن

    هذه الدورة حقيقة ممتازة فى هذا الأمر وهى تعتمد على السماع الكثير والحفظ بعد فهم
    معانى الجمل

    محتويات الدورة
    وهى عبارة عن جمل انجليزية مكتوبة ومستخدمة بكثرة فى حياتنا اليومية
    وملفات صوتية لهذه الجمل (بلكنة أمريكية)

    كيفية الدراسة
    أولا : قراءة الجمل ومعرفة معانيها باللغة العربية
    ثانيا : سماع كل شريط بعد فهم العبارات وتكرار السماع كثيرا جدا جدا

    نصيحة : ضع الصوتيات التى تقوم بحفظها الآن على مشغل mp3 player وضع السماعة فى اذنك
    ودع الشريط يتكرر فى اذنك عشرات المرات .. على مدار ثلاثة أو اربعة ايام وشوف النتيجة !

    أثناء ذهابك الى العمل او رجوعك منه .. اثناء ركوب السيارة .. أثناء فترات الراحة
    الأمر لا يحتاج لوقت مخصوص وهذه ميزة ممتازة لمن ليس عندهم وقت .. ولله الحمد

    فقط أطلب من الإخوة الذين يحترفون الترجمة وضع ترجمة لمعاني الجمل حتى يكتمل الموضوع
    وبإذن الله سوف ارفع الصوتيات قريبا .. والله المستعان .

    للأمانة الدورة منقولة من موقع English4arab جزاكم الله جميعا خيرا

    واليكم الدروس المكتوبة


    1. Good morning Mrs. Brown.
    2. How are you doing?
    3. I am doing well, thank you. And you?
    4. How is your husband?
    5. Alan was sick last week. But now he feels better.
    6. Please give my regards to him.
    7. Jenny, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look great today.
    8. Thanks John. It’s really been a long time.
    9. How is everything going?
    10. Not bad, Thanks.
    11. What’s going on with you study?
    12. I’m working hard on my English now.
    13. What’s up, buddy?
    14. Not much, how about you?
    15. I’m going abroad next week.

    Lesson 2: What is your name

    16. What is your name?
    17. My name is Alexandre Smith. Just call me Alex.
    18. Is Lee your first name?
    19. It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first.
    20. Zhang is one of the most common surnames in China.
    21. Her name is Susan N. Armstrong. N is the abbreviation of her middle name.
    22. May I have your name, Miss?
    23. I’m Gary Rice. I’d like to be called Gary. And yours?
    24. My name is Linda Wilson. I was named after my grandmother.
    25. How do you spell your first name.
    26. My first name is spelled G-A-R-Y.
    27. How do you pronounce your last name?
    28. It is pronounced Gary.
    29. Sorry. What did you say your name was?
    30. You must be Mr. John Kennedy. Your name precedes you

    Lesson Three: Introduction

    31. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Dennis' birthday party, nice having you here. Hope you have a good time.
    32. Mrs. Endson, Please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.
    33. How do you do, it is a pleasure to meet you.
    34. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.
    35. Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Here is Davide Ray.Davide, Tony Park.
    36. Let me introduce myself. I'm Susan Macdonald.
    37. Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?
    38. Sorry, I don't think we have.
    39. Hi, it's you again. Is this a Coincidence or what?
    40. You are Susan, what a pleasant surprise!
    41. I never thought I will see you here.
    42. I'm afraid I have to leave now.
    43. Nice talking with you.

    Lesson Four: Identify Objects
    44. What is this?
    45. It's a cocktakl.
    46. Pardon?
    47. a cocktakl.
    48. Whose notebook is that?
    49. It is not mine. It may belong to Jessie.
    50. Up to now, nobody has claim the suitcase.
    51. Where is your umbrella?
    52. It's behind the door.
    53. I looked for my wallet everywhere. But I couldn't find it.
    54. You must have left it in your office.
    55. Please look for it in the hotel lost and found office.
    56. Can you describe your blouse?
    57. It is a green one with a high neck.
    58. Do you remember where you misplaced it?

    Lesson Five: Describing Objects
    59.What color is your phonebook?
    60.The book has a red cover.
    61.What kind of computer do you have?
    62. It is a desktop computer.
    63. How much does your laptop weigh?
    64. It weighs only two kilos. And it's easy to carry.
    65. What size auto mobile do you want?
    66. I like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.
    67. What table shape do you take?
    68. I like a round table that can sit ten.
    69. What is the width of the bookcase?
    70. The cabinet is four meters long.
    71. Will you measure the store?
    72. How big is this department?
    73. It's about one hundred twenty square meters.
    IT Tracker System by Google Sheet
    تعلم كيف تنظم اعمالك وخططك ، وكيف تدير فريق العمل بإستخدام هذه الاداه الرائعة

    تسجيلات نادرة للشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوى .. لا تفوتك

  2. #2
    عضو الصورة الرمزية ISLAMIC.TR
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    الدولة: Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    Lesson 6: Identifying People

    1. Who are you?
    2. I am Sally, a new secretary with your firm.
    3. You are the English teacher, aren’t you?
    4. Are you Mr. Green, the office manager?
    5. Who is Diana overthere, do you know?
    6. He might be spokesman of today’s press conference.
    7. Who cares.
    8. Where do you come from?
    9. I am from Shanghai. How about you?
    10. Toroto is Michelle’s hometown.
    11. What do you do for living?
    12. I work for the goverment.
    13. Who is the girl in her scholl uniform?
    14. It’s Betty, and she is from New zeland.
    15. These guys are all Allen’s classmates.

    Lesson 7: Appearance

    91.What does Cindy look like?
    92.She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.
    93.What sort of build is Philip?
    94.He is a big guy.
    95.Will is tall and quite lanky.
    96.From her appearance, I would guess she is Asian.
    97.She takes after her mother.
    98.Roy looks exactly like his father.
    99.He has his father’s blue eyes and his mother’s round face.
    100.Tracy is a typical brooks with a high cheekbones.
    101.Ray is very popular with parents because he is very polite.
    102.Tom is a quiet man but his wife is extremely talkative.
    103.My brother has a good personalaty.
    104.Jim always wears a brown overcoat these days.
    105.The short and chubby gentalman over there is our new director

    Lesson 8: Age
    1.Can I ask how old you are?
    2.Guess how old I am.
    3.I’d say you are about 20.
    4.I just turned 23
    5.I was 30 on my last birthday.
    6.You look younger than your age.
    7.I’d rather not tell you my age.
    8.She is going to be 18, but she still acts like a kid.
    9.I am two years older than she is.
    10.My mother retired at the age of 55.
    11.That singer looks mature for his age.
    12.Grandfather is getting on in years.
    13.Joanna is in her 60s, but she is ageing well.
    14.The baby boomers are all grownups now.
    15.I am too old to learn computer.

    Lesson 9: Daily Activities
    1.What is a typical day for you?
    2.I usually wake up at 6:30.
    3.My husband gets up later than I do.
    4.It takes time to get the kids dressed.
    5.We have oatmeal and toast for breakfast.
    6.Susan drives the children to school in the morning and picks them up after school.
    7.It is time to go to school. Hurry up!
    8.David leaves for work at 8 o’clock every morning.
    9.Ann often goes shopping in the supermarket after getting off of work.
    10.Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time we visit her house.
    11.After lunch I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera.
    12.Jerry often does his homework till midnight.
    13.I am used to going to bed at around 11 and I fall fast sleep.
    14.Lisa enjoys housekeeping and her husband also helps around the house.
    15.I like reading magazines in my spare time.

    Lesson 10: Past Activities
    1.What did you do last Saturday?
    2.Pierce went to the gym to work out yesterday.
    3.Dan stayed up watching the World Cup last night and overslept this morning.
    4.I run into an old friend of mine on the street this morning.
    5.She didn’t recognize me.
    6.Bill was shy before he got this job.
    7.Where is John? John was here a minute ago.
    8.Judy invited some friends to visit her new house.
    9.Yesterday, we had a good time at David’s birthday party.
    10.Professor Smith retired two years ago.
    11.Mary used to be a diplomat, but now she works in a company.
    12.Mr. Cooper started a company at the age of 28.
    13.My majored in finance when I was in college.
    14.John returned to his hometown 5 years later.
    15.I told you so.

    Lesson 11: Future Activities
    1.What will you do when you grow up?
    2.I will open a bar when I have enough money.
    3.Allen is going back to the US during the summer vacation.
    4.He will be back in four weeks.
    5.She is about to leave for Paris.
    6.What are you going to do tomorrow?
    7.A Canadian professor will lecture at school auditorium.
    8.He will focus on the latest development of Canada.
    9.I am going to buy a ticket for the rock & roll concert.
    10.There will be an international conference in Beijing next month.
    11.I will apply to be a volunteer translator.
    12.Did you know what you were going to do before you graduated?
    13.I never imagined that I would become a teacher.
    14.It is going to rain. Take your raincoat with you!
    15.I am leaving. Thank you for having us here tonight.

    Lesson 12: Weather
    1.Nice day, isn’t it?
    2.What a lousy day!
    3.How did you like the weather today?
    4.It is muggy and hot.
    5.It looks like a storm is coming.
    6.How was it yesterday?
    7.It was blowing hard.
    8.What will the weather be like tomorrow?
    9.The weather forecast says that it is going to rain tomorrow.
    10.The weather man said that a thunderstorm is hitting us these days.
    11.It has been cloudy all morning. And now it is raining cats and dogs.
    12.It will be probably clear up tomorrow?
    13.What’s the temperature today?
    14.The lowest temperature can drop to 30 degrees Celsius below zero.
    15.It is several degrees lower in the evening than in the daytime.

    Lesson 13: Family
    1.How many people are there in your family?
    2.I’ve got two sisters and one brother.
    3.Sam and Tony are twins.
    4.Robin was brought up in a single-parent household.
    5.Richard comes from a well-off family.
    6.I have a close family. We love each other.
    7.His parents always quarrel with each other.
    8.My father is a pilot and he is very strict with us.
    9.There are more and more DINK families in big cities.
    10.What do you parents do?
    11.My father is the bread earner.
    12.Rick is an only child.
    13.Her great-grandpa is still living.
    14.My parents grew up in the countryside.
    15.We moved to the city when I was just 5.

    Lesson 14: Date
    1.What day is it today?
    2.It is Monday.
    3.What is the date today?
    4.Today is October 31st, 2002.
    5.The American Day of Independence is on July 4th.
    6.Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May.
    7.In what month will the meeting be held?
    8.It will be held in the latter half of June.
    9.When were you born? I was born on October 1st, 1981.
    10.Halloween starts on the evening of October 31st.
    12.We were together at school at this time last year.
    13.Where will you be at this time next year?
    14.I think I’ll be spending my holiday in Australia next month.
    14.I took a trip to Hongkong in 1980.
    15.The Spring Festival is the first day of the first month in the lunar year.

    Lesson 15: Time
    1.Excuse me. What time do you have? I wanna set my watch.
    2.It’s two o’clock British summer time.
    3.My brother is already 7 years old but he can’t tell time yet.
    4.You watch is fast and my watch is a bit slow.
    5.The quartz clock keeps a very good time.
    6.It’s a few minutes after seven.
    7.You must have misread the watch.
    8.Excuse me, but do you have the correct time, please?
    9.Sure thing. It is nearly 7:30.
    10.It’s very important to be punctual.
    11.I was late for school because my watch was broken yesterday.
    12.You need an alarm clock to wake you up tomorrow.
    13.United Flight No.706 will take off at 10:10 a.m.
    14.The cafe is open from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    15.Come on! The train will leave in 15 minutes!
    IT Tracker System by Google Sheet
    تعلم كيف تنظم اعمالك وخططك ، وكيف تدير فريق العمل بإستخدام هذه الاداه الرائعة

    تسجيلات نادرة للشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوى .. لا تفوتك

  3. #3
    عضو الصورة الرمزية ISLAMIC.TR
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    الدولة: Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    Lesson 16: Asking for help
    1.Can I help you?
    2.Just what I need!
    3.Will you please do me a favor?
    4.I’d be glad to. What can I do?
    5.Sorry, could you wait a minute? I’m tied up now.
    6.Please don’t bother me. Can’t you see I’m busy?
    7.Would you please pick up the cassette tapes?
    8.Here is the cassette tape, will that do?
    9.Wouldn’t you copy the contract?
    10.I want you to download this file from the Internet.
    11.Would you mind if I use your computer this evening?
    12.It is OK if you take care of it.
    13.Thanks a lot for your help.
    14.That’s very kind of you.
    15.I owe you one.

    Lesson 17: Housework
    241.We always do the housekeeping on the weekends.
    242.I want to hang the world map on the wall.
    243.Will you hold the map straight while I nail it up?
    244.Hand me the hammer and nails, please.
    245.The lock to the door is rusty. And the key won’t turn.
    246.The window is broken, so I need to fix it.
    247.Turn on the vacuum cleaner, please.
    248.The tap is off, but it is still dripping water.
    249.We need a washing machine. The old one doesn’t work.
    250.There is a wet spot on the ceiling.
    251.She forgot to turn of the tap and water flooded the kitchen.
    252.Mr. Jones services his car on Saturdays.
    253.Jenny works as a babysitter in her free time.
    254.The Browns hire a housekeeper to manage their villa.
    255.My younger brother has got a part-time job as a newspaper boy.

    Lesson 18: Continuous Activities
    256.What are you doing?
    257.Julie is playing the piano in her room now.
    258.I kept ringing the door bell but nobody answered.
    259.Jimmy is too absorbed in this computer game to hear.
    260.My brother is preparing for his final exam.
    261.Mr. Cooper is brushing up on his French for the France trip.
    262.I was sleeping soundly this morning when the telephone rang.
    263.Your mother was calling to ask if you were at the Sunday school.
    264.She is always making a fuss.
    265.I am wondering if you can speak English.
    266.What were you doing the whole morning.
    267.AF flight No.123 is checking in at the moment. Please hurry up.
    268.I have been learning English for 6 years.
    269.And nowadays I’m working hard to improve my spoken English.
    270.You are driving me mad.

    Lesson 19: Finished Activities
    271.Have you ever been to Britain?
    272.I have been to London twice.
    273.Tim has discussed his paper with his supervisor.
    274.He has been watching TV for two hours.
    275.Have you sent the postcard to your uncle?
    276.I told Maggie to send it for me.
    277.Haven’t I told you that the address to the letter might be wrong?
    278.I should have checked it.
    279.You might have heard that Dustin was dismissed.
    280.You must have gotten the news that the postage is going to be raised.
    281.Peter had thought a lot about quitting before he did it.
    282.He had become an Olympic champion by the age of 20.
    283.Beijing successfully won the bid for the 2008 Olympic games.
    284.It had tried 8 years before but failed.
    285.Having successfully concluded their project, Malissa is spending her holiday in Singapore.

    ءLesson 20: Marriage
    286.My elder sister is married, but she doesn’t want to start a family yet.
    287.She gets on well with her mother-in-law.
    288.They had a baby last year.
    289.Tomorrow will be our fifth wedding anniversary.
    290.My aunt is expecting a baby now.
    291.My younger brother is engaged.
    292.Her fiance is David, a businessman.
    293.John is still studying at the university. He is single.
    294.Aunt Lucy has been alone since her husband passed away last year.
    295.Uncle Mike married twice. He has two stepsons.
    296.He got divorced from her last year and remarried her this year.
    297.Daniel has another women on the side but his wife is totally unaware.
    298.Some young people in the West fear marriage and would rather cohabitate.
    299.Do you have any relatives here in the States?
    300.I still keep in touch with my cousins in Britain.

    Lesson 21: Asking for Directions
    301.Excuse me. Is there a cafe nearby?
    302.Could you tell me the way to the Tian’anmen Square?
    303.Just go straight ahead, and turn left at the first crossing.
    304.You can’t miss it.
    305.Can I go by bus?
    306.You can take the subway to get there.
    307.It’s on my way. I’ll walk you there.
    308.Sorry. I’m new here too.
    309.What’s your address?
    310.Go this way. Follow the road back for about 500 meters.
    311.The museum is opposite the Great Hall of the People.
    312.The park is just on the left side of this street.
    313.The Oriental Plaza is located in the downtown area.
    314.How far is it from Beijing Hotel to the Palace Museum?
    315.It takes five minutes to get there by taxi.

    Lesson 22: Language
    316.Do you speak English?
    317.I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.
    318.My English still needs work.
    319.How long have been studying Spanish?
    320.What is your mother tongue?
    321.Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.
    322.How many languages do you speak?
    323.I can read and write in three languages.
    324.How well do you know Chinese?
    325.She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.
    326.Lots of foreigners have trouble writing Chinese characters.
    327.Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.
    328.As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.
    329.Will you slow down? I can’t follow you.
    330.What do you mean by “Chinese characteristics”.

    Lesson 23: Neighborhood
    331.I have lived at 24 University Street for 20 years.
    332.Great changes have taken place in the neighborhood for the past decade.
    333.There used to be a mom and pop store on the corner.
    334.Now it is replaced by a supper market.
    335.There are clinics, schools and other services in this community.
    336.Mr. Wyatt is my neighbor, we live on the same street.
    337.The apartment next door has been vacant for a long time.
    338.My neighbors would drop in on me from time to time.
    339.Kevin has a green thumb. His garden is a sea of flowers.
    340.Mrs. Cooper is very hospitable and always keeps her house open.
    341.My neighbors will take care of our house if we take a vacation out.
    342.The kids in the neighborhood always jump across the fence into his garden.
    343.Jackie is a Hi-Fi junkie and always keeps his stereo on as loud as possible.
    344.Lots of evergreen trees have been planted along the roads.
    345.They are setting up a 20-story tower building up the street.

    Lesson 24: Seasons
    346.How many seasons are there in your region?
    347.We have sharp distinction between the seasons.
    348.January and February are the coldest time of the year for people in the northern hemisphere.
    349.Winter comes earlier in this year and it become chilly in early November.
    350.In spring, there is a lot of wind.
    351.Trees turn green and flowers start to blossom.
    352.Hurricane often visits our region in the summer.
    353.There is a flood in the river basin in the south this summer.
    354.The northern part is suffering from drought.
    355.It rains every two or three days.
    356.The island is green and warm all year around.
    357.In winter, days are short and nights are long.
    358.Winter is a season of holidays.
    359.The climate is mild because the warm air from the west.
    360.When blizzard comes in winter, we can only stay at home all day long.

    Lesson 25: Injury
    361.What’s the matter with you?
    362.I don’t feel very well because I had a fracture.
    363.How did you break your arm?
    364.Stella fell off the bike and sprained her ankle.
    365.Steve was injured in the car accident.
    366.I have a pain in the back.
    367.I walked for whole day and my feet hurt.
    368.Shawn was stung by the bee and his face was swollen.
    369.My muscles were sore after the one hundred meter dash.
    370.Paul got a cut on his arm and it is bleeding.
    371.Put the bandage around your wounded finger.
    372.Don’t move. I will call in the doctor.
    373.Go see a doctor soon.
    374.Watch your step and don’t slip again.
    375.My pains are gone after a sound sleep.

    lesson 26: Traffic
    376.Why are you so late today?
    377.We were caught in a traffic jam this morning.
    378.The traffic is always terrible during rush hours.
    379.This expressway links two major cities of the state.
    380.The flayer was under repair and we had to make a detour.
    381.The road was blocked because of a car crash.
    382.There are hundreds of gas stations in the city.
    383.My car broke down on the way home.
    384.I had a flat tire this morning.
    385.Tim was absent-minded and hit the back of another car.
    386.Running the red light is to be fined by the police.
    387.David got caught speeding by a cop.
    388.Driving after drinking is extremely dangerous.
    389.You must fasten in the seat-belt when driving.
    390.In China, cars go alone the right side of the road.

    Lesson 27: The Hairdressers
    391.You look good with your new hairstyle.
    392.A hair salon was just opened in our neighborhood.
    393.How do you want your hair cut?
    394.I want a shampoo and a set.
    395.This brand of shampoo is my favorite.
    396.A trim or do?
    397.Is this alright?
    398.Her hair has been permed.
    399.Lots of young people have their hair dyed.
    400.Can you do my hair in the style of the picture?
    401.Would you like a scalp massage?
    402.Give me a shave please.
    403.My sister had a eyebrows plucked.
    404.As it is now, please.
    405.How about a manicure?

    Lesson 28: Bank
    406. How would you like to deposit your money?
    407. I’d like to open a savings account with this bank.
    408. How can I go about it?
    409. The minimum deposit for a deposit account is 50 Yuan.
    410. What’s the interest rate? It’s 1.2% per year.
    411. How can I close my checking account now?
    412. I want to withdraw my balance.
    413. You needn’t fill out the withdraw slip.
    414. How do you want your money?
    415. In 100 yuan notes, please.
    416. My I have this check cleared?
    417. How much do you want to exchange?
    418. I have 8000 HKD, and I want to change them for Euros.
    419. What’s the exchange rate today?
    420. I’d like to have the 100 yuan bill broken up.

    Lesson 29: Library
    421.Many people go to the city library on weekends.
    422.I’d like to apply for a library card to check out foreign books.
    423.Where can I get the latest issue of Time magazine?
    424.The reading room is large and quiet.
    425.Please consult the card catalogue or the computer.
    426.The catalogues here are in alphabetical order by the author.
    427.Jot down the call number.
    428.Please fill out the call slip.
    429.Here is the latest edition of this book.
    430.Sorry, the book you want has been checked out.
    431.You may keep it for three weeks. Then you have to return it.
    432.You can not take it home, but you can xerox what you need.
    433.May I renew this book?
    434.Your book has been overdue for two days.
    435.You have to pay a fine for it.

    Lesson 30: Hotel
    436. Can I book a room for this weekend?
    437. What kind of room would you like?
    438. What is the rate for the room.
    439. Does that include breakfast?
    440. My name is James Carson. I have a reservation here for tonight.
    441. Have you got any vacant rooms?
    442. I’d like to check-in.
    443. I love a room on the higher floor so I can have a birds’ eye view of the city.
    444. Please fill out this form and sign the register.
    445. When is the check out time here?
    446. Here is the key and the room card to Room 606.
    447. The elevator is just around the corner.
    448. If you need a taxi, just call the reception desk.
    449. There is a sauna, a bowling alley and a gym in our hotel.
    450. I’ll leave tomorrow. Please prepare my bill.

    Lesson 31: Making Plans
    451. What you plan to do tomorrow?
    452. I am planning to go to the English corner.
    453. I am hoping to spend a few days in the mountains.
    454. I think I’ll do some work instead of going to the movies.
    455. There is nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday.
    456. I doubt I’ll do anything tomorrow.
    457. What is your brother planning to do tomorrow?
    458. He can’t decide what to do.
    459. We’re trying to plan our future.
    460. Will you consider going north this summer?
    461. That’s a good idea.
    462. If there is a change you’ll go, I’d like to go with you.
    463. Would it be convenient for you to explain your plan to us?
    464. We’re willing to accept your plan.
    465. Please excuse me for a little while. I want to do something.

    والى هنا تنتهى الدروس المكتوبة

    وارجوا من احد الإخوة المحترفين بالترجمة عمل الترجمة لكل درس
    ولا نريد ترجمة كلمات ولكن ترجمة المعنى العام للجملة ككل

    وسوف ارفع الدروس الصوتية بإذن الله سريعا
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    تعلم كيف تنظم اعمالك وخططك ، وكيف تدير فريق العمل بإستخدام هذه الاداه الرائعة

    تسجيلات نادرة للشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوى .. لا تفوتك

  4. #4
    عضو الصورة الرمزية ISLAMIC.TR
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    الدولة: Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    بسم الله والصلاة عل رسول الله وبعد ..

    الدروس الصوتية

    الأول إلى الخامس
    IT Tracker System by Google Sheet
    تعلم كيف تنظم اعمالك وخططك ، وكيف تدير فريق العمل بإستخدام هذه الاداه الرائعة

    تسجيلات نادرة للشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوى .. لا تفوتك

  5. #5
    عضو برونزي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2009
    الدولة: Andorra
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    جزاك الله خيراً أخي الكريم .

    هناك كورس مشابه ( نفس الفكرة ) وصاحبه أمريكي ...

    اسمه New method learning english وهذا موقعه Effortless English

    [COLOR=#0000cd][SIZE=3][B]لعمرك لو أغنى عن الحق أنه ... هو الحق ماكان الرسول يقاتل[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  6. #6
    عضو فضي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2007
    الدولة: Egypt
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    جزاك الله خيرا
    ووفقك الله لما يحبه ويرضاه

  7. #7
    عضو الصورة الرمزية ISLAMIC.TR
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    الدولة: Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عايز تتكلم انجليزى بسرعة ( لبلب يعني ) تعالى عندنا فى هذه الدورة السريعة

    مازلنا فى اتظار الترجمة
    حتى يكتمل الكورس
    IT Tracker System by Google Sheet
    تعلم كيف تنظم اعمالك وخططك ، وكيف تدير فريق العمل بإستخدام هذه الاداه الرائعة

    تسجيلات نادرة للشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوى .. لا تفوتك

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. مشاركات: 1
    آخر مشاركة: 04-01-2012, 22:58
  2. مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 02-09-2011, 15:09
  3. قصيدة عربي تعلمك كيف تتكلم انجليزي
    بواسطة $ABU FAHAD$ في المنتدى الأرشيف
    مشاركات: 5
    آخر مشاركة: 15-09-2008, 13:20


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