وصلني هذا الخبر بأن ميكروسوفت ستتوقف عن اصدار شهادات ورقيه كما كان معمول به كالسابق و ذلك ضمنا جهودها للحفاظ على البيئه و ذلك ابتداءآ من 30 يونيو الحالي

و لكن اذا كنت مصرآ على الحصول على شهاده ورقيه فيتعين عليك دفع مبلغ مالي مقابل ذلك!!

Going Green: Announcing MCP Digital Certificates for Download

In accordance with the Microsoft Environmental Initiative, Microsoft Learning's goals are to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and products and to be a leader in environmental responsibility. To reduce the company's carbon footprint, we are transitioning from traditional paper to digital Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certificates. Orders for MCP Certification Welcome Kits will discontinue on June 30, 2009. After that, if you require a paper certificate, you may order one beginning July 7, 2009, through the MCP member Web site. There will be a shipping and handling fee associated with your order. Give us your feedback on the Born to Learn blog--a great place for up-to-date information