والله انا زهقت من كل التغيرات اللى سيسكو عملاها ديه
انا كنت رايح اول امبارح احجز امتحان ال snrs فى ccsp بس الحمد لله كان موقع vue بيعملوا فى صيانه و مكنش مسموح بحجز اى امتحان فى الوقت ده
الحمد لله انى لم احجز لانى لن استطيع وقتها ان انهى ccsp فى الوقت المحدد من زفت سيسكو

بس فى ملاحظة بالنسبه لل ccnp sec
بتركز على asa اكتر من ccsp

فى ccsp كان ال asa ليه امتحان واحد SNAF اما الان
642-617 FIREWALL v1.0 Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Solutions (FIREWALL v1.0)
امتحان كامل لل asa firewall

642-647 VPN v1.0 Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions (VPN v1.0)
امتحان كامل لل asa vpn

بالنسبه للامتحان القديم snrs و الجديد SECURE v1.0
فهذه هى ال objective للثانى
Exam Topics

The following information provides general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
Pre-Production Design

Choose Cisco IOS technologies to implement HLD

Choose Cisco products to implement HLD

Choose Cisco IOS features to implement HLD 2

Integrate Cisco network security solutions with other security technologies
Create and test initial Cisco IOS configurations for new devices/services
Configure and verify ASA VPN feature configurations

Complex Operations Support

Optimize Cisco IOS security infrastructure device performance
Create complex network security rules to meet the security policy requirements
Optimize security functions, rules, and configuration
Configure & verify Classic IOS Firewall and NAT to dynamically mitigate identified threats to the network
Configure & verify IOS Zone Based Firewalls including advanced application inspections and URL filtering
Configure & verify the IPS features to identify threats and dynamically block them from entering the network
Maintain, update and tune IPS signatures
Configure & verify IOS VPN features
Configure & verify Layer 2 and Layer 3 security features

Advanced Troubleshooting

Advanced Cisco IOS security software configuraiton fault finding and repairing
Advanced Cisco routers and switches hardware