بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد ...

إخوانى الكرام اقدم اليكم هذه الدورة الرائعة حقا ... والتى استفدت منها كثيرا
فى تدريبى على كيفية نطق الإنجليزية بطلاقة .. وكسر الحاجز بينك وبين الناس
عندما تتحدث معهم .. طبعا الكل يريد التحدث بسهولة ويسر مع الآخرين حتى يفهم
المحادثات الجارية حوله فى العمل والمحلات وغيرها من الأماكن

هذه الدورة حقيقة ممتازة فى هذا الأمر وهى تعتمد على السماع الكثير والحفظ بعد فهم
معانى الجمل

محتويات الدورة
وهى عبارة عن جمل انجليزية مكتوبة ومستخدمة بكثرة فى حياتنا اليومية
وملفات صوتية لهذه الجمل (بلكنة أمريكية)

كيفية الدراسة
أولا : قراءة الجمل ومعرفة معانيها باللغة العربية
ثانيا : سماع كل شريط بعد فهم العبارات وتكرار السماع كثيرا جدا جدا

نصيحة : ضع الصوتيات التى تقوم بحفظها الآن على مشغل mp3 player وضع السماعة فى اذنك
ودع الشريط يتكرر فى اذنك عشرات المرات .. على مدار ثلاثة أو اربعة ايام وشوف النتيجة !

أثناء ذهابك الى العمل او رجوعك منه .. اثناء ركوب السيارة .. أثناء فترات الراحة
الأمر لا يحتاج لوقت مخصوص وهذه ميزة ممتازة لمن ليس عندهم وقت .. ولله الحمد

فقط أطلب من الإخوة الذين يحترفون الترجمة وضع ترجمة لمعاني الجمل حتى يكتمل الموضوع
وبإذن الله سوف ارفع الصوتيات قريبا .. والله المستعان .

للأمانة الدورة منقولة من موقع English4arab جزاكم الله جميعا خيرا

واليكم الدروس المكتوبة


1. Good morning Mrs. Brown.
2. How are you doing?
3. I am doing well, thank you. And you?
4. How is your husband?
5. Alan was sick last week. But now he feels better.
6. Please give my regards to him.
7. Jenny, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look great today.
8. Thanks John. It’s really been a long time.
9. How is everything going?
10. Not bad, Thanks.
11. What’s going on with you study?
12. I’m working hard on my English now.
13. What’s up, buddy?
14. Not much, how about you?
15. I’m going abroad next week.

Lesson 2: What is your name

16. What is your name?
17. My name is Alexandre Smith. Just call me Alex.
18. Is Lee your first name?
19. It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first.
20. Zhang is one of the most common surnames in China.
21. Her name is Susan N. Armstrong. N is the abbreviation of her middle name.
22. May I have your name, Miss?
23. I’m Gary Rice. I’d like to be called Gary. And yours?
24. My name is Linda Wilson. I was named after my grandmother.
25. How do you spell your first name.
26. My first name is spelled G-A-R-Y.
27. How do you pronounce your last name?
28. It is pronounced Gary.
29. Sorry. What did you say your name was?
30. You must be Mr. John Kennedy. Your name precedes you

Lesson Three: Introduction

31. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Dennis' birthday party, nice having you here. Hope you have a good time.
32. Mrs. Endson, Please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.
33. How do you do, it is a pleasure to meet you.
34. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.
35. Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Here is Davide Ray.Davide, Tony Park.
36. Let me introduce myself. I'm Susan Macdonald.
37. Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?
38. Sorry, I don't think we have.
39. Hi, it's you again. Is this a Coincidence or what?
40. You are Susan, what a pleasant surprise!
41. I never thought I will see you here.
42. I'm afraid I have to leave now.
43. Nice talking with you.

Lesson Four: Identify Objects
44. What is this?
45. It's a cocktakl.
46. Pardon?
47. a cocktakl.
48. Whose notebook is that?
49. It is not mine. It may belong to Jessie.
50. Up to now, nobody has claim the suitcase.
51. Where is your umbrella?
52. It's behind the door.
53. I looked for my wallet everywhere. But I couldn't find it.
54. You must have left it in your office.
55. Please look for it in the hotel lost and found office.
56. Can you describe your blouse?
57. It is a green one with a high neck.
58. Do you remember where you misplaced it?

Lesson Five: Describing Objects
59.What color is your phonebook?
60.The book has a red cover.
61.What kind of computer do you have?
62. It is a desktop computer.
63. How much does your laptop weigh?
64. It weighs only two kilos. And it's easy to carry.
65. What size auto mobile do you want?
66. I like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.
67. What table shape do you take?
68. I like a round table that can sit ten.
69. What is the width of the bookcase?
70. The cabinet is four meters long.
71. Will you measure the store?
72. How big is this department?
73. It's about one hundred twenty square meters.