اولا انا اسف علي التاخير لظروف خارج عن ارادتي عشان اجيب معظم الحاجات اللي مش موجوده في شرح م/احمد سرحان وم/محمود ياسين
ارجو من بشمهندسينا الكبار في الكورس الاجابه علي هذه الاسئله للافادتنا جميعا ولهم جزيل الشكر
معلشي هي الاسئله كتير شويه بس انا حاولت اجيب كل الحاجات اللي مش موجود في الشرح ومش مفهومه

الفرق بينMMC
ايه هي tab ديه اي هي هي وظيفتها
user-propeties-remote control
في مرحلهcreate compuuter account
يعني ايه guid
ازاي اطبق الnetdom
1-اني اضيف كمبيوترد
2-اعمل بيها jointo domain
ايه الفرق بين
entriprise admin&domain admin&adminstrator on dc
Share Permission Limitations
1-scopeالفرق بين انواعه
3-Lack of detailed control
4-The grass is truly greener
Three Views of Share Permissions
1-Real-World Use of Share Permissions
2-Microsoft’s Tightening of Share Permissions
3-Certification Objectives
Evaluating Effective Permissionsمش فاهم منها اي حاجه بصراحه
This list is an approximation only. It does not take share permissions into
account, nor does it evaluate the account’s special memberships, such as the following:
? Anonymous Logon
? Batch
? Creator Group
? Dialup
? Enterprise Domain Controllers
? Interactive
? Network
? Proxy
? Restricted
? Remote Interactive Logon
? Service
? System
? Terminal Server User
? Other Organization
? This Organization
An ACL can contain entries for the Network or Interactive accounts, for example, which
would provide the opportunity for a user to experience different levels of resource
access depending on whether the user was logged on to the machine or using a network
client. Because the user in question is not logged on, logon-specific permissions
entries are ignored. Perhaps most important, share permissions are not evaluated; only
NTFS permissions are evaluated. However, as an extra step, you can evaluate effective
permissions, including share permissions or a built-in or special computer account
such as Interactive or Network.
vss(in backup)
يعني ايه وايه الفرق بين انواعه
media pool
خطوات عمل internet printing
يعني ايه memory address & IRQ & DMA
ايه هي pnp devices
cofilict driver
ازاي نعرفه او ازاي نعالجه باستخدام resource tab OR trouble shootting