AMD Southern Islands
الجيل الجديد من البطاقات الرسومية AMD HD 7XXX

-معمارية جديدة تماماً لا تعتمد على VLIW - جيل HD5XXX كانت المعمارية VLIW5 وصدر Cayman بمعمارية VLIW4 والبطاقات القادمة لن تعتمد على VLIW
-ستصدر البطاقات في الربع الرابع من هذا العام
- المعمارية ستكون مثل نظام وحدات FPU الموجودة فى المعالجات - Floating point unit و هذا سيسهل على المبرمجين استخدام هذه الوحدات التى ستكون مشابه لوحدات المعالج المركزى

Maybe you do not know that from today's Radeon HD 2000 to Radeon HD 6000 series, AMD graphics architectures have not changed, is still very long instruction VLIW architecture, the old and new products only difference is that a different version of the VLIW , for example, with the Radeon HD 6900 series is VLIW4 not VLIW5. But at the AMD Fusion Developer Summit above, AMD "launched" a whole new generation of graphics architecture
AMD tells about multi-tasking multi-engine, multi-level (one / two) to read and write cache, the cell structure, resource allocation, and so out of order architecture. To put it plainly, AMD hope to the next generation of graphics from a simple graphics core into a similar CPU co-processor (mainly floating-point operations) exists, it is clear that this architecture most suitable for integration with the APU, coupled with the CPU operation , so that system performance substantially
AMD's GPUs will have full support for C, C++, and other high-level languages
these new number-crunching components will be called "scalar co-processors".
Scalar co-processors will combine elements of MIMD (multiple-instruction multiple-data,) SIMD (single-instruction multiple data), and SMT (simultaneous multithreading).
the GPU and CPU components will make use of a truly common memory address space.
top of the line Radeon HD 7000 parts should be able to deliver the same performance that is now offered by dual-GPU solutions.
a representative of the Sunnyvale-based company came out to reaffirm once more that the Radeon HD 7000-series, aka Southern Islands, will make its appearance by this year's end.