TheNewBoston - C# Beginners Tutorials

TheNewBoston - C# Beginners Tutorials | 6.89 GB
Genre: Video Training

* 1 - Introduction and Installing C# 2010
* 2 - Changing Forms Properties
* 3 - Showing MessageBoxes
* 4 - Variables
* 5 - Changing Properties With Code
* 6 - If Statements
* 7 - More on If Statements
* 8 - If Statements pt 3
* 9 - Switch Statements
* 10 - Mathematical Operators
* 11 - Arrays
* 12 - Lists
* 13 - For and Foreach Loop
* 14 - Do and Do While
* 15 - Try, Catch and Finally
* 16 - Methods pt 1
* 17 - Methods pt 2
* 18 - Continue and Break
* 19 - Overview of Namespaces and Classes
* 20 - Constructors
* 21 - Access Modifiers and Static
* 22 - Overloading Methods and Enumerations
* 23 - Creating Your Own Properties
* 24 - Throwing Exceptions
* 25 - Inheritance and Overriding
* 26 - More on Inheritance and Interfaces
* 27 - Indexers
* 28 - Structs
* 29 - Partial
* 30 - Abstract
* 31 - Delegates
* 32 - Events
* 33 - Ternary Operator
* 34 - OpenFileDialogs
* 35 - More Variable Types
* 36 - StreamReader pt 1
* 37 - StreamReader pt 2
* 38 - StreamReader pt 3
* 39 - StreamWriter pt 1
* 40 - StreamWriter pt 2StreamWriter pt 2
* 41 - BinaryReader pt 1
* 42 - BinaryReader pt 2
* 43 - BinaryWriter
* 44 - SaveFileDialog
* 45 - Convert Class
* 46 - Special Folder Locations
* 47 - Is, as, and Casting
* 48 - Convert Class
* 49 - Substrings
* 50 - IndexOf and Trim
* 51 - Remove and Replace
* 52 - Split and ToCharArray
* 53 - Math Class
* 54 - Generating Random Numbers
* 55 - Generating Random String
* 56 - FolderBrowserDialog
* 57 - Directory Class pt 1
* 58 - Directory Class pt 2
* 59 - Directory Class pt 3
* 60 - File Class pt 1
* 61 - File Class pt 2
* 62 - Path Class
* 63 - Process Class pt 1
* 64 - Process Class pt 2
* 65 - Null Coalesce Operator
* 66 - Bitwise Operators pt 1
* 67 - Bitwise Operators pt 2
* 68 - Bitwise Operators pt 3
* 69 - Threading pt 1
* 70 - Threading pt 2
* 71 - Threading pt 3
* 72 - WebClient pt 1 Status Log
* 73 - WebClient Class pt 2 Downloading Files
* 74 - Project 1 Email Sender, pt 1
* 75 - Project 1 Email Sender, pt 2
* 76 - Project 1 Email Sender, pt 3
* 77 - DateTimePicker
* 78 - DateTime Struct
* 79 - Picture Box and Image Class
* 80 - Clipboard Class
* 81 - ColorDialog
* 82 - Color Struct
* 83 - FontDialog
* 84 - Timer Control
* 85 - Playing Sounds
* 86 - MaskedTextBox Control
* 87 - Multiple Forms
* 88 - Multi Document Interface MDI
* 89 - ComboBox Control
* 90 - ProgressBar Control
* 91 - ListView Control pt 1
* 92 - ListView Control pt 2
* 93 - ListView Control pt 3
* 94 - ListView Control pt 4
* 95 - ToolStrip and StatusStrip Controls
* 96 - NotifyIcon Control
* 97 - Opening Files With Your App
* 98 - Settings
* 99 - TreeView Control pt 1
* 100 - TreeView pt 2* 101 - TreeView pt 3
* 102 - Property Grid
* 103 - Accessing All Controls pt 1
* 104 - Accessing All Controls pt 2
* 105 - WebBrowser Control pt 1
* 106 - WebBrowser Control pt 2
* 107 - WebBrowser Control pt 3
* 108 - TrackBar and NumericUpDown Controls
* 109 - Reading XML pt 1
* 110 - Reading XML pt 2
* 111 - Editing XML File
* 112 - Writing New XML file
* 113 - Write Nodes to Existing XML File
* 114 - Deleting a XML Node
* 115 - MD5 and SHA1
* 116 - TripleDES Encryption
* 117 - TripleDES Decryption
* 118 - Drag and Drop
* 119 - Drawing Shapes
* 120 - Drawing More Shapes
* 121 - Drawing with Pen Class pt 1
* 122 - Drawing With Pen Class pt 2
* 123 - Drawing Strings Text
* 124 - LinearGradientBrush
* 125 - Multiple Colors in a LinearGradientBrush
* 126 - PathGradientBrush pt 1
* 127 - PathGradientBrush pt 2
* 128 - Project 2 Paint Program, pt 1
* 129 - Project 2 Paint Program, pt 2
* 130 - Project 2 Paint Program, pt 3
* 131 - Project 2 Paint Program, pt 4
* 132 - Project 2 Paint Program, pt 5
* 133 - Making Controls pt 1
* 134 - Making Controls pt 2
* 135 - Making Controls pt 3
* 136 - Making Controls pt 4
* 137 - Making Controls pt 5
* 138 - Making Controls pt 6
* 139 - Inheriting From Existing Controls
* 140 - Splash Screen
* 141 - Making a DLL
* 142 - Internal Access Modifier
* 143 - Comments and Descriptions
* 144 - Goto Keyword and Regions
* 145 - Capturing Screen
* 146 - Making Keyboard Shortcuts
* 147 - Checking Controls on Leave
* 148 - Overloading Operators pt 1
* 149 - Overloading Operators pt 2
* 150 - Overloading Operators pt 3
* 151 - Overloading Operators pt 4
* 152 - Making Conversion Operators
* 153 - Ref and Out Keywords
* 154 - Project 3 Hang Man Game, Making the UI
* 155 - Project 3 Hangman, Drawing Hang Post
* 156 - Project 3 Hang Man, Drawing Face
* 157 - Project 3 Hang Man, Drawing Bosy and Arms
* 158 - Project 3 Hang Man, Drawing Legs
* 159 - Project 3 Hang Man, Getting Random Word
* 160 - Project 3 Hang Man, Making the Labels pt 1
* 161 - Project 3 Hang Man, Making the Labels pt 2
* 162 - Project 3 Hang Man, Submit Button
* 163 - Project 3 Hang Man, Submitting Wrong Letter
* 164 - Project 3 Hang Man, Resetting Game
* 165 - Project 3 Hang Man, Submit Word Button
* 166 - Optional Parameters
* 167 - IEnumerable and Yield Return
* 168 - Make a Class for a Foreach Loop
* 169 - Project 4 Address Book, Making UI
* 170 - Project 4 Address Book, Making Class and Files
* 171 - Project 4 Address Book, Adding Data to Classes
* 172 - Project 4 Address Book, Updating Information and Removing People
* 173 - Project 4 Address Book, Save Changes Button
* 174 - Project 4 Address Book, Writing to XML File
* 175 - Project 4 Address Book, Reading People
* 176 - Notified When Files Change
* 177 - Zipping Files and Folders
* 178 - Preprocessor Directives
* 179 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Setting Up
* 180 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Drawing Random String
* 181 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Drawing Shapes
* 182 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Getting Image Name
* 183 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Returning Images
* 184 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Saving the Images
* 185 - Project 5 Captcha Generator, Using the Images
* 186 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Class, Making Base Class
* 187 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Begining Reading Class
* 188 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Reading Methods
* 189 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Changing Byte Order ect
* 190 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Class, Reading Strings
* 191 - Project 6 Reading and Writng Classes, Finishing and Testing Reader
* 192 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Begin Writing Class
* 193 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Writing Bytes
* 194 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Classes, Writing Strings
* 195 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Class, Finishing Class Up
* 196 - Project 6 Reading and Writing Class, Using the Writing Class
* 197 - IDisposable pt 1
* 198 - IDisposable pt 2
* 199 - ICloneable
* 200 - Changing Your Projects Properties

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