السلام عليكم،

اعلنت شركة EVGA بتبديل لوحات الأم بأخرى جديدة بسبب عيب تصنيعي. الأستبدال كان يتم بالولايات المتحدة وسوف يقومون بالإعلان عن باقي الدول بالقريب العاجل.
العيب التصنيعي عبارة عن عدم قدرة المستخدمين بكسر سرعة المعالجات الرباعية أعلى من 1300MHz FSB

680i Users:

EVGA has heard loud and clear about the cross shipment service from our customers. EVGA is going to offer a similar service globally as it offers here in the US. Please stay tuned for details on each region.

EVGA will offer the following to all customers:
* Direct cross shipment to all customers
* Cover the shipping cost both directions
* Products are going to ship with a 3 Day shipping method.
(this is the current plan)

As a reminder, this will not count against your EAR program, if you have purchased an EAR with your previous serial number; then that will carry over to this new serial number.

Thank you,
EVGA Management Team

سؤالي: هل أقوم بالأستبدال؟ :rolleyes: