السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... اخوانى فى المنتدى انا حبيت اهدى ولو هدية بسيطة لهذا المنتدى العملاق الذى اسال الله ان يبارك فى اعضاءه والقائمين عليه وفى كل واحد يساعد اخوانه للارتقاء بهذه الامة ..

ندخل فى الموضوع علطول :up: دلوقتى انتو عارفين ان منهج CCNA قامت شركتين من اكبر الشركات فى شرحهم وهما شركتى Testout و Trainsignal ده بالاضافة الى شرح استاذا الغالى المهندس محمد سمير وربنا يوفقه ويكمل شرح الكورس للنهاية .. اثناء تجولى باحدى المنتديات الاجنبية لقيت هذا الشرح الرائع واسيبكو مع التفاصيل (z)


نبذة عن الشرح والانستراكتور
By Wendell Odom
Published Dec 20, 2007 by Cisco Press.

CCNA Video Mentor
Second Edition

More than four hours of personal, visual instruction

CCNA 640-802
Wendell Odom, CCIE® No. 1624

CCNA Video Mentor is a unique video product that provides you with more than four hours of personal visual instruction from best-selling author and instructor Wendell Odom. In the 20 videos presented on the DVD, Wendell walks you through common Cisco® router and switch configuration topics. Designed to develop and enhance hands-on skills, each video guides you through essential configuration tasks for both the CCENT and CCNA® certification exams, including router and switch configuration, IP subnetting, RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP configuration, configuring VLANs, IPv6, PAT, PPP and CHAP, and access lists.

Booklet Cover Content:

Lab 1: Navigating a Router/Switch Command-Line Interface (Video Length: 12:50)
Lab 2: Router Configuration and Managing Configuration Files (Video Length: 12:15)
Lab 3: Switch Basics: Learning, Forwarding/Filtering, and Interface Settings(Video Length: 10:32)
Lab 4: Finding the Subnet Number (Video Length: 6:03)
Lab 5: Finding the Broadcast Address and Range of Addresses in a Subnet(Video Length: 8:44)
Lab 6: Finding All Subnets of a Network with Less Than 8 Subnet Bits (Video Length: 7:15)
Lab 7: IP Subnet Design and Implementation (Video Length: 15:13)
Lab 8: Static and Connected Routes (Video Length: 13:15)
Lab 9: RIP Configuration (Video Length: 13:54)

Lab 1: Configuring VLANs (Video Length: 10:10)
Lab 2: VTP Servers and Clients (Video Length: 15:44)
Lab 3: RIP with Split Horizon, Route Poisoning, and Poison Reverse (Video Length: 12:22)
Lab 4: Single Area and Multi-area OSPF Configuration (Video Length: 18:02)
Lab 5: EIGRP Configuration and Operation (Video Length: 11:33)
Lab 6: Understanding EIGRP Metric Calculations (Video Length: 12:26)
Lab 7: NAT Overload (PAT) (Video Length: 13:27)
Lab 8: IPv6 Subnetting and Address Configuration (Video Length: 18:16)
Lab 9: PPP and CHAP Configuration (Video Length: 12:25)
Lab 10: Access Lists (Video Length: 9:32)
Lab 11: Access Lists II (Video Length: 10:43)

ودلوقتى روابط التحميل


كلمة السر : mycisco

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